Prophecies shared by Prophet Duncan Theo Mghendi in 2014.

2nd December 2014 Prophet Dancun shared this word.

Last night in the wake of today, the Lord and I have been in a deep conversation in regards to a few tasks ahead of my ministry in the coming Year. What the Lord showed and told me this morning has been confirmed with Brother Kevin Kahoto's vision where the Voice of God from heaven kept repeating three times in His vision speaking about me. The LORD told me, "Dan, Time is no More." He said this three times to me and also to Kevin last night in His vision. As for me, I didn't expect God to show Kevin the ultimate time is coming this fast but I bless Yahweh who has also showed him the same ascto what I and the Lord had been talking on this morning.

Deuteronomy 32:35-36 "To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. For the LORD shall judge his people, and repent himself for his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left."

Time is Up..... The day is about....its about time: Isaiah 59:16-21 "16 And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him. 17  For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke. 18  According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence. {deeds: Heb. recompences} 19  So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. {lift…: or, put him to flight} 20  And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD. 21  As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever."

Isaiah 63:1-6 "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment. For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me.  And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth."

Jeremiah 49:22 "Behold, he shall come up and fly as the eagle, and spread his wings over Bozrah: and at that day shall the heart of the mighty men of Edom be as the heart of a woman in her pangs."

Now to Prophecies:

The Great Challenge To Kenya's President

February 27th

 The LORD GOD Says,
 ''if this nation of Kenya doesn't repent of its evil and wickedness, the LORD Shall himself fight against this nation and utterly destroy this Nation Of Kenya. From its Economy, Health and Social status, God will ruin this country and divide it into three 3, like pieces of a Worn out Clothes. The president of This Nation shall face a challenge and a great obstacle if he does not demolish and destroy shrines of idol worship in Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu, Diani, Thika and other many places. No law shall be above God's word. All altars of Baal, chemosh, asherah, ashtoreth and Jezebel have to be destroyed if This country needs its peace and security, lest this be a thing of the Past. My people shall not worship foreign gods, thou shall separate yourselves and worship me for i am Holy. Those who are called of my Name, shall stand in power and be courageous for i shall show How Great My Salvation Is. Therefore, humble yourselves, all man to his neighbor, priest, prophets, judges, rulers and all leaders of Kenya and repent truthfully to Me and i shall rescue you in this day of Tribulation and Distress that speeds up and He the Antichrist speeds to oppress you. O'my People Hear my Word and Be Disciplined in my Love before disaster overtakes you. Those i love i rebuke.''


Kenya Pray For The VISION IS PLAIN.

February 28th 2014

Today at 6am in the Morning the LORD took me to the tallest building in Nairobi and He showed me what will take place soon in that building. As i was in this building, i observed how busy all men and women were in their work duties. Suddenly groups of men armed with explosives and high tech guns stormed inside the buildings ground floor. They looked like a well organized group, sort of like a terrorist group. Then people started screaming and shouting, wishing to rescue their life and run away. When they were shooting out, many were killed, yet many others ran for lifts and the stairs.
 I saw again the people in the lifts, chose to go to the last floor of that tall building. While at the top, they started blaming each other and cursing one another. I saw a Hindi man with a vishal oshwal signet on him and he appeared distressed and troubled.
 I appeared to them and the LORD made me tell them ''why have been slothful not to protect your own building. After all the terror threats, now is when you'd believe that their threat is real. How doubtful and proud you have been? Now look how fallen you'd be.'' then after i was led by God to tell them that....i was woke up.

 The vision is plain and clear.
 Kenya has had many terror threats, but there is a terror attack that is been plotted against the tallest and most inter-tribal building in Kenya. Many will die because of Negligence and laziness of the Kenyan Special forces.

 Kenya pray.


3rd September 2013

The LORD just opened my eyes to His GLORIOUS THRONE, and as i beheld HIS AWESOME GLORY,He opened my ears and I heard Him Saying " SON OF MAN, PROPHESY AGAIN AS I SPOKE TO ISAIAH, NOW DECREE AS ITS WRITTEN IN ISAIAH 23:11, "He stretched out His hand over the sea. He shook the kingdoms. The LORD hath given a commandment against PHOENICIA, to destroy its strongholds". TIME HAS COME TO UNLEASH MY WRATH. Announce this before it happens.

 AND AS GOD HAS SPOKEN TO ME, SO I'M I ANNOUNCING TO YOU ALL. What's the current phoenician cities from biblical times? These are the cities and nations GOD'S WRATH HAS BEEN RELEASED UNTO as OF TODAY 3RD OF SEPTEMBER: LEBANON, CYPRUS, TURKEY, ISRAEL, SYRIA,MALTA and TUNISIA.

 Woe Unto The EARTH and its Inhabitants for great is the WRATH OF GOD.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

"Awake From Thy" Saith The LORD God Of Hosts

The LORD Says, ''Speak unto my people who acknowledge and adore Me. Them that hold sacred my Name. Them that are called by Name. Let them awake and sleep not, let them arise and sit not. For their salvation is near than they expect. Behold i do a new thing amidst all the nations of the world. He who is a rebellious ruler, His reign and nation will be torn into three pieces. For great is my love and great is wrath. Do not arouse my wrath oh My people, for the sake of Jerusalem, my choice City, i come quick to wage war against Her Enemies. Can you hold back the strong waves of the oceans when i bring strongs winds upon it? Can you bring down to yourself a star that i held above in the skies? My own people reject my words and scorn my prophets. How long shall you mourn and pray that i wipe your tears?
 The Day is fast approaching, each other wake of your mournings, i bring forth to all mankind, signs and wonders as i told my servants the prophets. This generation shall greatly see my hand that worketh glorious deed and awesome works for me. Blessed are they that hold unto my words and walk holy.


May 15th

Blessed be the Name Of The LORD God Of Jacob, it shall come to pass soon and very soon, a rain of blood in drops. This will will scare even the Most brave amongst the people, for behold This will be the Open act of YHWH to declare His Wrath and Judgment is come upon all the nations of the Earth. I prophesy this by the Most Holy Name Of YHWH. May every nation repent for the time and day has come and none will escape the great wrath.

 For behold, there's a time and day that shall come when men expect the moon to shine,but it will not give its light, Soon during the day, the sun itself will dim out its light and clouds shall gather above the skies of the earth, and darkness will make man grope in darkness.

 The LORD God urges the people of Kenya to pray for their President for protection and security.
 I see turmoil upon the Nation of America. The LORD shall cause the wind to blow upon every green tree upon thy land, a scorching heat shall wither all that is in thy land. Thy children shall starve to death and thy men shall grow weak and lose their place in the land of the Living.

 For behold the LORD is against every hand that work evil in the name of good, Repent o Royal House Of United Kingdom, the one you most love shall be uprooted from the Land Of The Living.
 A message to Mr.Tsavangrai, I was shown this name on letters and in the Air, and told by the LORD to tell him to repent and forgive all men and women if He desires to enjoy the goodness of God in his life lest he be taken low, to the world of the dead.

 A word of the LORD to all professing faith and confession in Jesus Christ whose their Lord and Savior, 'Thou shalt separate thy selves from all yeast and be thou holy as the LORD thy God is Holy. Let each one help his brother and sister in holding their torches for the night has come. Let all come before the LORD in truth and holiness.".

 These are the WORDS OF THE LORD GOD Almighty.


No longer can any vaccination be trusted" The LORD Spoke

27th May 2014

 In the Vision, the LORD God Almighty descended down to lead me and talk to me concerning the very events happening worldwide and also the Works I'm bound to do soon.Jehovah God, took me to a train like cabin and commanded the driver to speed up the way he drove it for I was supposed to reach to Israel And Other nations of the Northern Hemisphere fast before the Wild Animals start coming into the cities. But the drive seemed stubborn and left, the I got very angry and said, "If they desire not to see me, I shall find rest for my soul in Tanzania Or I shall go upwards to Ethiopia." the JEHOVAH spoke and said, "My Son, fear not, all breakdowns cannot slow your appearing nor you reaching where I have sent you. Hold your heart strong and you shall reach.". This Vision ended. Then I appeared again to be on a phone call talking to I think a live tv cast show or an audience of mothers with also their houses, on the call, one woman happily told me, "We have had polio vaccination for our children," and I told them, "No longer can any vaccination be trusted and I fear that you have accepted death. Shun this vaccination and it shall be alright.". This part of the vision is far so strong because I spoke like a mighty and powerful man to these women. Later on I was given to hear a very sweet and strong voice from Heaven, detailing to ne that there are three 3 Spirits that have entered into the House Of God. This are the Spirits causing all this foolery to happen in the church worldwide. I have more words to say that JEHOVAH indeed came and told me but I pray that I shall tell you all soon when the time is ripe. Shalom.

This the Message Of LORD God Of Israel

21st August 2014

"For the Spirit speaks to the 0 churches, o. How I wish they would have hearkened unto me. But lo! Sudden destruction is going to befall the tents of the wicked, their Lamps shall go off. No light shall be seen in their habitation. By Fire shall My Father consume them.

"Zechariah 9:14 KJV
And the Lord shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south." The Day Of Trumpets had already began, and of mine portion is among men, to make them come to the Banquet. How many shall hear... The Spirit says, " Should I lament when my beloved is left outside the gates of my City? My people why are you doubtful? Mine hand has wrought salvation for you. Have I not declared unto you, who my Servant is? There is nowhere, where my Servant's voice is not heard. I know the balance of the hearts of men. I have given you one who many seek. A Teacher and even He that had been prophesied. My Children, time is short, time is dear, time is rare and the day is becoming a shadow as on a noon day heat. Grasp and hold on the little you have. Even though thy strength is weak, with that Shall I show my strength. The World is to hear a loud and shaking thunder like voice, from the heavens, all creatures will tremble... For I am coming down amidst you... It is well with the Righteous shall it be proclaimed but Woe unto the wicked man, for His own words shall condemn Him and judge him. Thy Lord, Jesus Christ was Come and is Coming again, Glory and Meditate on His Word, abide and live in and by His Word."
The LORD says "Thy Leaders have become wicked and stubborn, therefore shall nations crumble, one upon another. There will be no more rumors but Wars shall erupt even the most safe place on earth. If my own City, Jerusalem shall be utterly destroyed, how much wrath should I pour out upon the heathen nations whose gods are but idols and lords but mortal men. I the LORD God of Deborah, I am a God Of War. They wage war against mine Anointed and the kings plan secretly against the Horn Of My Salvation, how fallen are they? By sword, pestilence, famine and death, these shall overtake them. Behold upon the trees and every green thing, how withered they become. My own breath is a fire that shall come upon the land and everything upon it. My people, Come out of Babylon, run away from her kingdom, flee before him, keep not thyself in Her courts, Her destruction is come. Upon her, chief men and nobles shall fall, never to rise. Her glory shall soon be no more. My people, hearken today at my voice and live... Be not counted as Her inhabitants, arise and shake off the dust of Babylon off yourselves, go unto the mountains, go unto the valleys, distant lands and to the isles, prepare your answers for Lo' the LORD is Come, great with wrath and has purpose to carry out His vengeance upon Her for Babylon has shed innocent blood of God's people. My people, be not yoked with Her, Light cannot fellowship with darkness, neither can Jesus and belial have fellowship? Its written, you cannot drink of the cup of demons and drink the cup of the LORD. By my Word shall everything in the heavens, earth, seas and under earth be brought to Judgement. Blessed Is He that Keeps the Words Of My Book, He that does them and lives by my testimony shall be with me and meat with me on my Supper."
Shalom! Shalom! Shalom!

Job 37:21 KJV
And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds: but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them.

Its written: Revelation 10:7 KJV
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets."



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