False Prophets and Teachers.

As spiritual adultery increases in the church, false prophets will flourish as highly sought after speakers, and as Christians accept more of these false teachings indiscriminately, many will fall away, believing in a phony "faith". Since we have been warned, it might be wise to seek insight into how to discern false prophecy - Ask yourself these 2 key QUESTIONS: what are false prophets likely to say? What are they like?

I will give several key information on statements made by False Prophets and Teachers which some are outright blasphemy and others just Heresies.

Necromancy is communication with the dead and is absolutely forbidden by Holy Scripture. Moses stated in Deuteronomy 18:10-11, "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer."

Isaiah added a clear warning that we are to seek our God by seeking His law and His testimony and if we seek any other source or spirit it is because there is no light in us. Listen to Isaiah 8:19-20 "And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

One of the central teachings of the apostle John that he insisted that those of his time should realize was his statement about false prophets. Notice what John stated in I John 4:1.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."

Note: spirits here meant to - put the spirits and their teachings to the test.

Remember that the Basic Weight of knowing where truth is, Jesus said, "Every Tree Is Known By Its Fruit".

You have to know today that in the days of the 1st Church, there was a great manifestation of spirit beings, Angellic Host and demons too were trying to distort the truth.

As a matter of Fact, in the day of Paul's court case, in the book of Acts 23:9 "There was a great uproar, and some of the teachers of the law who were Pharisees stood up and argued vigorously. "We find nothing wrong with this man," they said. "What if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?"
 We see this traidition well rooted with the Pharisees and teachers of those days that spirit beings and even angels were known to empower and give those whom they came to appear before certain instruction and abilities, and they feared to lodge any further accusations against paul due to their knowledge of spirits and angels.

This is why when Apostle John talks on Testing Of Spirits, he didn't say "Spirit", but rather..."Spirits". This is because, in the heavenlies, there is a host of either good spirits and bad one's, good angels and bad one's, and anyone claiming that 'A' Spirit came to me or 'An' Angel appeared to me, has to be put on close evaluation by those mature enough in the Things Of God and the Things of the Spirit.

A False Prophet speaks with audacity and great faith because to him has been given three spirits: The Spirit Of Error, The Spirit Of Delusion And The Spirit Of Lying. A True Prophet's most precious and key part that He has to take with cautious each day is His 'Tongue', followed by His 'Ears' and lastly the Eyes. But a False Prophet, has a Mouth Of Error, Delusions and Lying.

1st Kings 22:23 "Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee."

A true Prophet shall guard His Mouth and constantly pray against the spirit of lying, for its by this Strongman spirit of lies, that a false prophet gets rooted to His damned works of falsehood.

A true Prophet shall guard His Mouth and constantly pray against the spirit of lying, for its by this Strongman spirit of lies, that a false prophet gets rooted to His damned works of falsehood.

When God has decreed A word of Judgment, not even intercession or Fasting can wade it off, His judgment will always come to pass. The judgment may delay but shall surely come to pass. In this scenario, when God sees an unsatisfied man or woman who wants to bribe him/herself out of God's decree, God may cause the Mouths Of Prophets to be under this Spirit of Lies.

Ezekiel 14:9 ""'And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the LORD have enticed that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel." God shows another means on how a Prophets ends up in Error..Its as a result of "Enticement". How does one get enticed? Is it by affluence? Is it by Status to be earned? Is it jealousy? Is it competition or striving between a people?

Mostly, an immature prophet, a young prophet, who is still learning on how to become man in the Office Given by God is vulnerable for the falling off the Truth Of Prophesy simply because of Enticement.

Prophesy is mostly speaking or Verbally announcing God's Voice/Thought/Will/Counsels/Judgments to men. In this case, a Prophets knows, its not by His will or power to Speak rather He or She will Prophesy when God speaks.

Looks at these words, "And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy"...a Prophet is to be led, commanded how to by God or given word by God to speak, not to "FEEL" enticed to prophesy.

Prophesy is Making Known the Invisible God To men By Voicing Out His Will, thereby this is not "FEELING" like to prophesy... When you "Feel" like you wanna prophesy, be keen for one maybe enticed and end up in an Error of Prophesy.

Jeremiah 20:7 "You deceived me, LORD, and I was deceived; you overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me".

An overly confident Prophet or A Servant under the Mentoring of a Prophet is constantly asserting to prophesy, the LORD may entice the Servant inorder to teach him Reliance and Inquiry form a bigger lifestyle of all true prophets to God.

Jeremiah was Deceived by God, not because He was a False Prophet, but because of lacking complete dependence on God to fully comprehend the Matter of Prophesy He was to know before going to Prophesy. And when He failed to and went straight to prophesy, He turned out to be a liar and people mocked Him for prophesying untrue words to their community.

God disciplines Prophets with the Highest form of discipline and because of their discipline, those who have learnt to exercise there senses inorder to fully become Mature in Prophesy, understand its not how Strong one is but how one is humble.

The reason is this: 1 Cor 13:2 "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge," this is because Prophets are given Keys of Mysteries And Knowledge. Due to this free gifts of their Office, most have ended up Proud, Dominating, Jealousy of others coming up, Carnal and Unforgiving.

When Prophets are given all Mysteries and Knowledge to themselves, this to a True Prophet comes with humility knowing that, its not me neither my work but God who does this. But in most cases, because One has been given to know about others, nations, people, and events to come, becomes very proud and so much egocentric forgetting the True Call is Humility, therefore such end up enticed and fall off from truth to Error.

Example when Elijah thought to be so pious, mighty and strong as the Last True Prophet, God in Heaven, came down to give Him full knowledge of the Part of the War of False and True Prophets in Horeb where God said to Him, "There are 7,000 people who have not kissed ball..."

Why is this important?

Most servants become False Servants due to the Spirit of 'Self-Righteousness' and much related to other Spirits like Pride and Jealousy.

What you have known is good in accordance with the Grace Jesus has given you for Ministration, but that should not make overlook others and make thyself alone as the only one with the fullness of truth.

Jeremiah was Over-Confident in the Time He prophesied and but later on He learnt God had deceived Him. He nearly became a False, but in His prayer, when He acknowledged God as one who made Him become Mocked, He was accepting Reproof which later on shaped His life as a Prophet to always and constantly rely upon God. The common notion of Most Prophets is always, "We Know, I know" rarely would they say, "God shall make it known or rather, If God knows He'll make me know".

All prophets face a test from God each day from which God's view is wanting to see "Constant Humility and Reverence" from His servants.

In Ezekiel 37:1-3;
About the Dry bones, God asked His Prophet a very had question and a tricky question. "Son of man, Can these dry bones live?"
Imagine yourself as a Prophet having all power, knowledge and mysteries concerning life and death, and then God asks you such a question.

Will you just say, "Yes they can live," simply because you have in you the power of live, resurrection or bring up the dead? Or will you answer the best way as a True Prophet Ezekiel did before God by saying, "Only you know". You see, God has given us unlimited power, but also with Limited Seasons...for there's a time for everything... Ezekiel had in him power to raise those bones, but rather Referred all Power Of Life and Death to the Almighty saying to Him "Only You Know".

Its not the Amount of Years amassed or the Knowledge you have that you claim to be a True Prophet, but rather thy deeds, words and worship will tell. Ezekiel did answer what Most today as Servants fail to say.

A False Prophet is after Affluence, Glory, Praise Of Men and Honourable seats but a True Prophet in today's society is nowhere near to any honour, affluence or praise rather True Prophets are discarded, discredited, dishonoured, disgrace and disbelieved by Men.
Numbers 23:19 "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"

A Prophet has in Him the Fullness Of God's True Spirit and because of This, its Paramount a Prophet to be a MouthPiece of Truth, when good or bad to the hearing of men, Truth defines Their Speaking, thus enabling Every Word of Prophesy the Speak to be hastened or quickened by God to fulfilment.

When a prophesy is Spoken, it cannot be changed even the subtracting or adding of a word or a letter, a Word Of God spoken should always remain untouched, unchanged and undistorted so as to verify God's Spirit for He Speaks His Mind, and Has Never Changed His Mind.
When one prophesies, and comes and says, "You know I didn't exactly say this and this, but you know I want to say that this should happen in this" after He has already spoken, that is a Change of Mind, thereby its open and plain that, His prophesy was not God-Orgin but His own illusions.

Once Spoken - Final, that is a True Prophet. In the biblical days, a King had a Priest who acted as both priest and recorder simply for the purposes of copying down what the prophets would prophesy to the kingdom or nation, because Prophets spoke only once, and it was left for recorders to repeat in mentioning what God spoke, but today: "What a wicked generation?".

Money makes most servants False or become - False Servants and Mostly Prophets who are False are ever snared by Money.
Numbers 24:13 "Even if Balak gave me all the silver and gold in his palace, I could not do anything of my own accord, good or bad, to go beyond the command of the LORD--and I must say only what the LORD says'?"

Because Prophets are given Power of Knowledge, Mysteries and The Spirit Of Prophecy predicting the future and able to Bend the Realms of the Physical from the Spiritual Words of Powers, most people seek the Prophetic power inorder to twist their lives for the better and they would tend to make it possible by "Pricing the Prophetic" in value of money in return of prophesy.
This has made money a god to most servants who begun well in spirit and later on end carnally minded thus becoming false.


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