5 Major Networks Of The Ministry. The 5 Offices, 5 Callings or the 5 Operations of the Ministry.

Taught by Prophet Duncan Mghendi.

The Church is the Body Of Christ, joined together by Christ's Lordship and the Outpouring of the Spirit.
The Church should have evangelizations, outreaches, crusades and other gospel related functions to ensure the message of the LORD is preached and Salvation is brought to all.

What creates church growth? Are members responsible for growth of the body of Christ? Jesus used an analogy from farming to explain the manner in which the kingdom of God grows (Mark 4:26-29). Once the farmer plants the seed, it grows by itself. Although fruit comes through the miracle created within the seed, the farmer has to work hard to prepare the ground for productivity.

So it is with church growth. The apostle Paul explained that he had planted churches, Apollos had watered, but it was God who gave the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6).

So how do Christians plant and water so God's kingdom can grow?

Pastors/Ministers of Christ provide leadership to facilitate the growth of each member and the corporate body (Ephesians 4:11-13). But leadership is not limited to the ministry.

What should each member do?

Growth on individual basis is not wrong, but also growth of in the large scale of the entire body of Christ as a church is as important as one would want to grow. And this is the reason why this topic is important.

Growth is free to all living things, and as a Living House Of the LORD, our Growth in reaching to the unreached, unbelieving and lost is questionable if the hands cut off and the legs say I will do it separately to walk alone, what of the eye and the ears? What of the neck and the mouth?

Together we shall bring in Many to God's Kingdom, divided we shall not. God in Heaven is not happy when there is division in the Church or scattering of the LORD'S Flock. Matthew 12:30 "He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathers not with me, scatters abroad."

Let us work in a unified way, a disciplined and flocked way. We all have roles to work in.

Consider these eight characteristics

1) Lead by empowering other members to grow.

2) Use your God-given gifts to serve God and your neighbor.

3) Be passionate, on fire, with joy and enthusiasm for the body of Christ.

4) Enable structure in the church to function effectively.

5) Participate as your gifts allow and pray for inspiration in worship services.

6) Join or form a small group to apply weekend worship to daily living.

7) Evangelize by sharing your Christian life by example and story.

8) Practice sincere love by sharing your joy with other members.

Which of the eight characteristics is your weakest? Ask God for strength and allow Jesus to lead you to grow. Which are your strengths? Use them to serve Jesus and his church.

REPENTANCE: 2 Corinthians 7:10 "Godly sorrow worketh a repentance not to be repented of. "

The Power of this word is seen as the primary Gospel requirement which none should lightly esteem.

The Word REPENT OR REPENTANCE, was: the OPENING Message Of John the Baptist's Ministry, as recorded in Matthew 3:2. It was the OPENING Message of the Ministry Of Jesus Christ Our Lord as recorded in Matthew 4:17. It was the OPENING Message of the ministry of the SPIRIT as recorded in Acts 2:38. This WORDS Repent and Repentance, occupied a prominent place in the teachings of the disciples - all in harmony with this declaration in the Ministry to the Gentile: " God....now commands all men everywhere to repent." as recorded in Acts 17:30.

What is Repentance? What is not Repentance? How is Repentance brought about? What it all comes with?

Well, the Essential elements of Repentance may be stated in only the following four categories within scriptural background. These are:
c) CONFESSION and lastly

In other meaning, repentance involves a consciousness of guilt, a godly sorrow for sin, a desire to forsake sin, a confession of sin and a willingness to make restitution for sin. God is never subject to error nor to sin, but man is.

Let us look in to the First stage of Repentance called CONVICTION.

This is the beginning of repentance. Because of things seen and heard, the conviction grows upon a person that has he or she has done wrong. As a similar case shown in acts of the multitudes on the day of the Pentecost Acts 2, the Jailer in Acts 16, and Paul beholding the martyr Stephen Acts 7:58, 9:5 and 22:20.

There are only TWO POWERFUL Factors that bring put a True Conviction leading to Repentance: Holy Spirit as written in John 16:8 from Jesus own words, and the Conscience from Paul's letter to the church in Romans 2:15.

2. Godly Sorrow. Note that, not all sorrows can be classed as Godly. We've seen people convicted of crimes often weep and mourn as though their hearts would break but its grief over their dilemma, rather than penitence for sin. Judas Iscariot was sorrowful enough to go and hang himself, yet that did notice him back to the fold of Christ for Restitution and for Pardon. Paul 2 Corinthians 7:10, speaks of a "a godly sorrow" and a "sorrow of the world". The First worketh a Repentance not to be repented of; the second worketh death. No man has ever truly repented any sin without a deep feeling of sorrow because of it. Penitence without sorrow is unheard of im the experience of amy penitent sinner; but it is grief for having sinned against God or man, a smitten conscience and consequent contrition, and not grief over being found out.

3: Confession - this is a sense of shame and humiliation usually accompanies true penitence for sin, but this does not keep back the sinner from confessing his sins. On the hand, true penitence invariably prompts confession of the things repented of. "Confess your faults one to another," is not only a command but it is also the rule among those who are truly enlightened and truly penitent. Other things being equal, greater the reluctance in confessing, the less penitence there is in the heart because of sins committed. "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" Romans 10:10.

4. Forsaking Sin.
Balsam, Saul, Achan, and many others confessed, "I have sinned," but they kept right on sinning as though they had never confessed. David, and the prodigal son, and others, also made the same confession, but they forsook their sins and turned to ways of righteousness. The truly penitent not only confess their sins but they also forsake them. "How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein" Romans 6:2.

5. Restitution - Were you ever truly penitent for any sin you committed that you did not feel that you wanted to make it right? Restitution belongs to true penitence. This includes making wrongs right with both God and man. Zacchaeus had the right attitude when he said, "If I have taken anything from any man by accusation, I restore him fourfold" Luke 19:8. It was this attitude on his part that enabled Christ to say, "This day is Salvation come to this House".

6. A Change Of Heart. A man may change his mind and quit his bad habits, but still be an unforgiven sinner. He may be very sorry for He has done because He is found pit, "but the sorrow of the world worketh death." He may, for policy's sake, even make restitution and live the life of a respectable man, and still his righteousness be as "Filthy Rags". While all things so far named are essential elements of Repentance, it takes a change of heart to complete the experience of true Repentance.

In every case of true repentance there is a change of mind, a change of feelings, a change of attitude towards sin and righteousness, and a change of Heart.

Now REPENTANCE IS NOT: 1, A mere change of Mind - a gambler decides that he has about enough money, so he retires from his I'll business. He is a gambler still - unless godly sorrow for his sins impel him to forsake his sins, in heart as well as in the physical practice, and he makes his wrongs right so far as it lies in his power to do so. The same application may be made to every known sin. Not, have you changed your mind? But, WHY have you changed your mind? Is the most vital question.

2. Its not Merely being sorry because of committed sins. Judas and Peter were both sorry for what they had done, but only Peter returned to the Lord for complete restitution and pardon. The only sorrow for sin that belongs to repentance of the kind that grips the soul, impels the penitent sinner to come to God for pardon, to forsake his sins and to make his wrongs Right.

Praise King Jesus Christ...Shalom


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