The TYPE OF LOVE that JESUS Teaches in His WORD.

Taught by Prophet Duncan Mghendi.

 Love sees the wrong, the poor judgment, the bad attitude, the sabotage, the cruelty, the condemning, the accusing, the robbery, the lying, the murdering, the father/mother that was not there, the wayward or disrespectful child, the misunderstanding parent, the hate, and the list could go on.

 But love overlooks it all and gives that person grace instead! ! Love is not like , a cover for hate; but love is a magnet that draws closer two individuals, who would, by nature, normally separate from each other. Love is cement that sticks people together no matter their differences. Love is the thread that weaves men and women of obvious differences together into a beautiful tapestry. Love speaks truth keeping the other person's personality, feelings/emotions in mind. Love restores one back to wholeness while understanding the struggle the person is facing. Love realizes that they are no better than the next individual.

 Jesus is calling the community to higher place a place of love. He wants the bride to learn how to love people and not merely like those who are similar to them. He wants religion ousted as this was what the Pharisees and religion scholars pushed on the people.

 He wants the community of called out ones(His disciples/Elect), to begin to be who He was on this earth, a loving, caring, non-judgmental God-man, who looked past the temporary facts that beset a certain individual and saw the need (e.g. the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). He wants His disciples to really live the principles of no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1).

 He wants the saints to allow love to flow into the deep crevices and alleyways of this world so other men and women will be drawn to Him. He wants believers to realize love is not just an abstract noun, but it's a verb, an action verb.

 Are you showing this JESUS TYPE OF love today? Have you positioned yourself to only like those who share commonalties with you? Are you only liking those that like you?


I say unto you, in the words of Jesus,

 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with your strength. 'Love your neighbor [anyone] as yourself .' There is no commandment greater than these" (Mark 12:30-31).


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