Keep yourselves ready Jesus Christ is Coming. Prophesied by Prophet Duncan Mghendi

Keep yourself ready. Jesus Is Coming.

1st July 2014

 The LORD GOD OF ISRAEL took me by His Right Hand into the Visions of the Spirit, showing and telling of the wondrous works He is about to do upon the earth and who live in its land.

 "In the Vision, I saw myself midair, with a mighty Angel who had in his hand a rod that looked like a teachers blackboard ruler, quite long and it was silver in color and another angel came forth that had measuring line that was so long that it covered the entire globe. What was amazing that it passed around clouds in a formation of selectiveness. The measuring line passed by the Saudi Arabian belt of oil deposits and across the middle east and then again across the American land close by the mineral deposits where they are found and also again he put the line across the river belts of bedded minerals and again back to His starting point. Then the first Angel I was with, started to speak to me, "Do you know why the Lord has put His line upon all the place nations and lands you have seen?", I answered and said, "No!", He then told me, "Look again"? As I looked, another came from the heavens saying, "Behold the heavens above these places are shut upon them. For by this I have spoken to my prophets and by this then shall you go forth and tell my people, time has come. I have shut the heavens as in accordance with the laws of my servant Moses, for the wickedness of their land is too much. None holds my commandments, each has defiled his own land by their abominations and their sins are too much for my pure eyes to behold these men. Till all men upon the earth turn away from their wickedness shall I hear them. The day of vengeance is with me to publish and make to pass upon all who trample my people, defile my land and treat unholy my word. Go your way o mighty messenger. The Oil they love shall no longer be, their Mineral shall no longer be, their Rivers shall dry and then what shall man do? Listen to their cry! They lament and mourn but never wanting to come to me. I have spoken this to you before it comes to be, for when it shall come to pass, they shall know I sent you to them but they persecuted and did all manner of evil against you. Be strong My Servant, with you the heavens shall open and close at your word, for I am with you to complete the great Mystery." then when the LORD finished speaking this things, I was shown a map of many middle east nations and others, been marked for the great outpouring of Yahweh's Judgments upon them. "

 Brethren this is a vision of significance to the entire world and most importantly to the Christian fraternity. Keep yourself ready. Jesus Is Coming.


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