Righteous Vs Wicked

_*"For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again,
but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.”*_ Proverbs 24:16, NIV

For a just man, falling is not final. Who are the just? It is those who have been justified and declared not guilty through Jesus. A just man will never stay down because he is reminded that God is with him. He knows the goodness and mercy of the LORD follow him all the days of his life, and God’s mighty hand will help him up.

If you’ve fallen, rise from your place and take your seat as being seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. You are God's son and you are needed in these times. Your wife/husband needs you, your children need you. Turn away from any condemnation, shame, regret, and discouragement. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Let it empower you to rise.

Set your heart to receive God’s grace and know that His plan is always intact. He has a plan already prepared for your comeback and your ultimate victory. You must not remain there as the wicked, those who are without God. You can place your hope and confidence in the LORD and rise!

*Confession:* _I choose to not wallow in my mistakes, but rise with joy and the knowledge of God’s acceptance of me. I serve a merciful and faithful God. Since He’s not condemning me, I will not either. I get back up! I am the just, and I am who God says I am. I rise from every circumstance. I am needed in these times. God’s plan for me will never change, and surely I have restoration ahead. I will never quit on the LORD because He never quit on me. I make it my pursuit to be who God has called me to be. I rise!In Jesus' Mighty Name Amen._

Read: 1 John 1:9, Romans 8:1

_*Rise Up!*_


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