Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees.

The following are things being allowed into the church that make the Church worldly, quite opposite to its original mandate of Changing the World and making manifest the Kingdom of Our Lord and His Christ.

1. The church has allowed Pre-Marital sex.
2. The church compromises to allow Adulterous relationships between its flock.
3. The church has joined itself to religions of false doctrines and cultic gods and spirits have infiltrated its courts.
4. The church has compromised to all Homosexuality.
5. The Church fears to stand strong against False worship of Baal within its national leaders.
6. The Church has become so materialistic and has exalted money above God and righteousness.
7. The church has become a stage of Falsehood, by its flocks lying openly before the HolySpirit.
8. The Church has lost the original doctrine of Baptism by water and by the Spirit.
9. The Church has become business centre for the lewd and proud leaders who manipulate their flock.
10. The Church has become a breeding ground of undisciplined Christians who make others doubt if Christ was like them.
12. The church leaders have become gods to men by walking like Pharisees burdening men with traditions of men in doctrines of Grace, Tithe and Sobriety.
13. The Church system has become corrupt by allowing abortions.
14. The Church and the flock have be unforgiving forgetting leat you forgive those who wrong you, your LORD will not forgive.

The church needs thorough cleansing, from the Altars to its Inner court and outer courts,  from the innerman and the outerman, holiness and righteousness abide together.

We cannot hold to grace lest we also walk in holiness. We cannot love lest we walk in harmony with all people around us. We cannot forgive lest we practice patience and the love of Christ. We cannot walk upright lest we become a people who are cautious in all we do, before men and in our privacy. We cannot show fruits lest we become willing to be watered and be pruned.

A time of Refining is coming, a time of purification is near to the door. Don't be left out of the count of the saints in heaven. It will not be a loving issues when you've spent your life knowing you serve God, but at the end you are told, "Depart from me, I know you not."

The LORD is slow to Anger and very gracious, but a time shall come when His mercies and grace will only be upon those who lay their bodies as a living sacrifice. A time is coming when men shall gather in separation to consecrate themselves to the Lord,in that day, none will tell anyone which is the way to walk in it, but like the wise five virgins, these shall keep to heart the matters of the Spirit.

Let us know one thing that is clear: beware of the yeast of the Pharisees.

This, Jesus didn't speak it to multitudes but rather to his beloved disciples. He didn't tell them, beware of the devil, but specifically: Beware of Men who may entice you to wickedness and seduce you to follow the paths of unrighteousness.

Daniel 2:22 "He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him"



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