One Million Prayer Rain for Kenya

*Prayer chain for peace and Rain For our country Kenya*

Father in the Mighty name of Jesus I thank you, I thank you because All power belongs to you. Thank you because you always answer my prayers. I ask for forgiveness on behalf of our land and  nation Kenya. Forgive us for we have not walked in your ways. I repent for every wickedness, injustices, nepotism, tribalism, hatred, bloodshed, idolatry, and having not given you your rightful place in our Nation.wherever we have exalted any idol before you, forgive us Lord. Father have mercy. Remember mercy oh Lord, I contend for my country Oh Lord.. You say ask of me for the nations, Lord I ask for the Land of Kenya. Remember your People Lord, those Tossed, oppressed and Stapled upon by situations, starvation, thirst oh Lord, remember mercy and Heal our Land. Bring the latter rains Oh Lord i pray. Open the Flood gates of heaven and let it Rain. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over this Land , let the Blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel speak peace even during and after Elections Raise leaders that are after your heart Oh Lord. Give us Leaders chosen by you and let them be a vessel to bring this land back to the fear of you Oh Lord. Let there be peace and Love for one another. Any power thirsting for the blood of any Kenyan, let it be quenched by the blood of Jesus. In Jesus name. I cancel Violence in Jesus name. I decree peace , prosperity and blessings to this land. Let peace be upon Nairobi, Let peace be upon the four corners around this great Land. In the mighty Name of Jesus I Pray. Amen.......


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