Biblical powers, principalities and rulers that we are in constant warfare with.

Number one: Apollyon(greek) - Its a demonic principality and its main function is to promote false religion and idolatry. Predominant powers associated with it are; Asharoth and Baal. This principality prevents commitment to God, also prevents fincanical commitment or support. Works together with Mammon. Sends demons to keep a believer spiritually dry and prayerless. Forsters sins of Pride and Criticism.
Abbaddon (Hebrew) - the name itself means 'Eternal Destruction'. In greek its also called Appollyon. Functions though differently. Its the main polluting demon in Africa, especially in Homosexuality and other sexual provisions and drug abuse.
Belial - Often called the god of this world. The Spirit of Darkness that has overwhelmed mankind living in darkness as the 'World'. Its main objective is to cause War and Death. Associated with the demonic power of Magog the god of war.
Gog and Magog are spirit of war and not nations as many think. Through them, a physical manifestation of there presence shall envelope specific nations in coming years.
Beast - Its a principality that operates with Deceptions, causes bloodshed, false worship and destruction. Associated with the Figurative number 666. Its symbol in the occult world and realms of the Spirit is Leopard, sitting on a throne. Its a grand master deceiver in two areas: Ecclesiastical systems - setting up demonic worship and Governmental or Political system - using Anti-Christ spirits.

Biblical Powers:
One, Ashtaroth - Called Queen of Heaven, worshipped as goddess. This demonic power works with Ball and Apollyon in the promotion of False religions. Its a demonic power charging against Nature, Religion and Paganism, celebration of crop festivals and sacrifices for fertility. In Africa, its behind Ancestor worship. This demonic power relishes the sacrifices of the First born or twins, it claims to give children to infertile couples. Its behind many divorce cases. Mostly exalted and taken as Earth goddess - secret of plants and herbs.
Hand-picked servants t become 'Healers'. Its the demonic power responsible for the Babylonian Cultic, through Nimrod and Cush. Its represented by a Moon to Islams. Dwelling under the black stone in Kaaba.
Its mainly concerned with trapping human beings and making them worship Evil Governments. Ashtaroth has been given many names.
These are the various kinds of its name: Diana - Prostitute goddess of Ephesus, Venus - goddess of love, Rhea - Olympian mother of gods, Isi - moon goddess of India, Is is a goddess of fertility in Egypt, Shin Mao - Mother of China, Irene - goddess of peace in Greece, Holy Mother Of God - roman Catholic, Maddona - Honoured art in the world, Queen of Heaven is always depicted as a beautiful woman with a child.
Baal - Its a demonic power that in the bible was worshipped by the Canaanites as god. He's a bull god, represented by a Bull. Half Man and Half Bull. He's name means 'lord or master'. He's god of fertility. The Sun god of Babylon. All worshippers of the sun are worshipping Baal. In Egypt he is known as Ra or Son of the Nile. This satanic power promotes Religious prostitution. Possessed nimrod. Brought Alcoholism into the world. Uses Tobacco, hallucinatory drugs, sex, murder and pride to control its victims. It demands to its worshippers the sacrifice of the first-born child, which is indirect mockery to the Jewish dedication of the Firstborn Children. In Rome, baal is known as Jupiter. Works together with Abaddon for Alcoholism and Sexual Immorality. Possessed Nebuchadnezzar during the period of His insanity. Its a chief demon incharge of Insanity and Mental illnesses. Its symbolism is the Sun or a Star. Also called Orion. Baal's control seat is in the East at Mecca, the seat of all false religions. Associated with the 3rd Eye of Freemasons, 3rd eye of eastern religions. In india its known as Iswara, forbids the eating of Cows, which is the symbol of greater witches. Hallelujah!

Beelzebub - Also normally referred as Lord of the Flies. Its a satanic power that Controls wizards and witches. Its mainly always on blood sacrifices that are made towards satan. Feeds on human blood. Its mostly specialized in destruction and loss of life. Its a demonic power that causes mostly accidents and catastrophes. Spiritual Eyes of men and women of God, have seen this power as in the form of a Half-Man and Half-Horse. Its the Most destructive and ferocious of the Powers. The Teachers of the Law and Chief Priests in Israel always would suggest anyone working mighty events or miracles was a worker of beelzebub like how they tried to accuse Jesus.
Ariton - This is a demonic power in charge of demons and demonic agents or 'Devil Agents'. Its mostly a worker that Hides deceptively through Magical powers and Charms that appeal or are mostly unseen.
Mammon - the Demonic power of Money. Its working is after the Storehouses of satan. Its a Mass merchant of the Dark Kingdom. Often called the Golden demon, Golden Complexion or Golden spirit. Its partly linked to the Facial markings common in the Yoruba community and certain Red Indian and Australian cultures. It distributes wealth to the servants of Satan in the world. Establishes contracts involving Money and its distribution, and it has also integrated certain families of mankind into its working who happen to become the Financiers of the economies of the world. It keeps money out of the hands of the christian. Entices people by making them become Dissatisfied with what they have. It controls all demons of greed, selfishness, stagnation and financial destitution. Possesses most people through the Love of Money.
Paimon - Its a demonic power that controls all heavenly demons. It has great influence over stars and planets. Works with Baal and Belial. Its also named 'Crystal Demon. Its in control of Familiar spirits, False Prophecy. Especially in West Africa, Charisma Prophets in Usa, Asia and Also Eastern and Central African rise of False apostles and prophets. It has counterfeit revelation gifts of the HolySpirit. Mediums, Channelers use this power. Its has deceptively introduced itself over many as Michael, the Archangel terming itself as Lord over Soothsayers and Fortunetellers.
Asmodeus or Asmodee - its name that initially means STINKER - fat and smelly. At times people under this power have a certain kind of smell that's so irritating though the individual finds himself or herself normal while its excess stinking even after a thorough wash or cleanliness. Its after the workings of sexual immorality and marries people to satan I.e marine spirits. Responsible for the Jezebel Spirit and oftnely works also with Baal. Prostitution, sexual perversions (Homosexuality, Lesbianism and bestiality), Barenness, Contempt for one's spouse and marital conflicts, repeated divorces and inability to form permanent, cohesive relationship of the deepest kind, causes miscarriages and death of children as its major works. Primary goal of this satanic power is to cause Pollution of Human race with Immorality. He is the demon responsible of Spiritual husbands and wives. Water spirits or Marine Spirits works under its influence. Its form in the Spirit is more of a Half-Woman and Half-Fish (Mermaid. With the Leviathan Principality, Asmodee and Belial are breaking down morals of mankind.
Magog - Its a power and a demon of war. Its also known to have affliation to the bloodline of Cain. He is a demon of Iron. Teaches people and nation on how to make war. This Power works with White Witches. Its a demonic power that's invoked by black witches. Its a controlling influence towards anger and hate. Possesses with anger, fear and hate. Its a triplet spirit. All black witches who invoke it are under its triplet power. Gog is the guardian demon over Germany, communist countries like China and the Soviet Union. Also in other points its named as the Spirit of the Anti-Christ.

'Rulers Of The Darkness Of This World'
Rulers of Darkness can either be DEMONIC or HUMAN (spirit possessed humans). By the time a huma reaches the level of a ruler of Darkness, they are more spirit than human and vis - a - vis to the Lordship we have in Jesus Christ. Rulers of Darkness are the Most difficult people to deliver from the Power of Satan. In promotion, means you have to kill thousands of humans and cause much pain to mankind. These rulers of darkness are under an ultimate bondage of Satanism. The prince of Darkness - Elite, Witches of this degree possess both male and female organs. These are extremely the most wicked people in Satanic possession. The main spirit in them is the Spirit of Witchcraft which constantly drives them to do evil. This spirit of witchcraft is the most feared of all wicked Spirits.

There are four types of witches: Black, White, Red and Green Witches. The spirit of witchcraft hates mankind. The purposes of witches is to Cause havoc, destruction and bloodshed.

The Functions of these types of witches is: Green Witches - Herbal Magic, White Witches - Manufacturing Powers, tool and means of Wickedness, Red Witches - Transportation of blood and Black Witches - located exclusively in Africa, most evil and powerful working towards Death and Destruction to mankind.
The Spirit of Witchcraft opens the door to more demons to possess a person. The Spirit was brought about through Cain. Witches are mainly both male and females though Wizards are only male. Magic and charms are the major instruments of these type of rulers of darkness. All these people have signed contracts with the Spirit world. Able to change form - Shape shifting.

Now I want to shed light on spiritual wickedness, water spirit and the corruption of marine or water beings.

All Satanic or Evil beings are ever evil. Made up of two type or lines of their working: Familiar Spirits and Servant Spirits. These serve other spiritual beings of the dark kingdom. Their main mission has been to Take the Earth away from Man. Through ways such as Sicknesses, Poverty, Death, Lying, Drunkenness, Theft, Wife/Husband Beating, Murder. Their main operation happen through two main points: Depression and Possession of an Individual. Diseases are utilized by these demons through the guise of the law of sin and death are written in the Bible. Habits and Afflictions of Evil are a primary path of these Spiritual wickedness that's infiltrating mankind.
The Leviathan is a Principality of the Water Kingdom of Darkness which works together with Marine Spirits. These water spirits are mostly at work within nation along the coastlines. In africa, there are a number of these beings of spiritual wickedness that I would like to point out.

As church and a fellowship of brethren, I know we all share in the Spirit of Jesus Christ and in His here are several names of these beings which a good prayer warrior and a servant of God in warfare has to constantly rebuke and cast away.

One: Orionta - Its a chameleon spirit. Seen in vision or dreams as a chameleon. Its given power to assume different forms. A prayer warrior or a man full of the Holy Spirit may tell if a demon or a spirit such as Orionta has taken a form of a thing inorder to achieve Its purpose.

Two: Cyriel - This is a demonic being and spirit that has given many people in charismatic churches False tongues and Prophecy of the Dark Kingdom. These Tongues and Prophecy happen not to be standardised to the scripture instruction of these gifts.

Cyriel's tongues and prophecies have been used by False Apostles and Prophetess mostly in their competitive mindset of who talks more in tongues or whose prophecy is precise. Anyone Speaking a Tongue and has never been baptised by the HolyGhost and Fire is always under the influence of this Spirit. Jesus stated that: A tree is known by its Fruit. Similarly, a man or woman under this spirit, Cyriel, exhibits a form of worship though His or Her deeds and words are not aligned to the Standard of Servanthood.
Every disciple spoke in uniqueness of the diverse languages of the nations that happened to be in Jerusalem on that day of the pentecost. There speaking of this diverse tongues in one room and loudly is what made outsiders say these are drunkards or babblers. Today its a sad state that this demon Cyriel has taken in bondage many people unnoticed. Today you hear pastors, prophets, apostles, teachers, evangelists, prayer warriors, servants, singers and worshippers, the Spiritual man or woman praying in one similar tongue that is widely used like a chant. Something like 'Rabboshanta...' Blah blah, which shows the state of bondage.
This Demon Cyriel, has also gone against the other standards of Tongues and prophecy through false Interpreting or no interpretations at all. The scripture instruction to Tongues is, if spoken openly, then there MUST BE an Interpreter, if not, better one should speak them alone. Of Prophecy, the Scripture say, Let one man speak, two or three others confirm the same thing and then the Prophecy would be sealed are true and from God, but today its so sad that Cyriel together with other demons have made many prophesy falsely in propagating satanic agendas against man.

Jezebel - has the form of a woman. Gains control of the masses of nations and mostly spiritual leaders through sexual sins. Its the main spirit that's ever present to try and destroy prophecy and bring an end of God's true prophets. In scriptures, the only two pillars of the church are on two: Apostles and Prophets. In the old testament and new testament this spirit of Jezebel has attacked God's true servant by four ways: Sexual Snares, Killing and Torture of God's Servants, Discrediting the validity of God's Prophetic word and lastly by Disbelief instilled to receivers of Apostles and Prophets.

The Jezebel spirit is discussed in both the Old Testament and New Testament. Elijah had contact with Queen Jezebel and the governing church of Thyatira with a person carrying a Jezebel spirit. There are thousands of years between Elijah’s face-off and the Thyatira testimony. This gives evidence that the Jezebel spirit did not die with a wicked queen.
The church in Thyatira was commanded not to suffer the spirit of Jezebel.
“Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.” (Revelation 2:20).
“Sufferest that woman Jezebel” means:
To allow, permit, and let.
To allow one to do as he wishes, not to restrain, and to let alone.
To give up, let go, and leave.
This means you know the Jezebel spirit is working through a particular person but refuse to do anything about it. One thing I can tell you for sure, to ignore the Jezebel spirit is ministerial suicide. You cannot beat this devil by leaving it alone. Ignore it and suffer the consequences, confront it and win.
“And it came to pass when Joram saw Jehu that he said, ‘Is it peace, Jehu?’ And he answered, ‘What peace so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?’” (2 Kings 9:22).
Jezebel’s whoredoms include adultery, fornication, prostitution, debasement and sexual sins of all sorts. Whoredoms also refer to betrayal of faithfulness, breaking of vows, and prostitution of self and others for advancement. The whoredom spirit will sell itself and you out. As you can read the Jezebel spirit is not faithful in relationships, in word, or deed. Take the bait and fall in love with an unfaithful Jezebel spirit and you will get your heart ripped out. Scripture declares, “For a whore is a deep ditch and a strange woman is a narrow pit. She also lieth in wait as for a prey and increaseth the transgressors among men” (Proverbs 23:27-28). Jezebel is the strange woman. Give this spirit a place in your life and chaos and destruction will follow. The bottom line is to avoid personal relationships with those having a Jezebel spirit at all price. It’s one thing when family members carry a Jezebel spirit but it’s another to pursue a relationship with someone that has that spirit.
The Jezebel spirit has infiltrated many grounds of Worship and she's always after the downfall or quenching of God's True Word, servants and msotly of all the Prophetic word.  It will profane, defile, pollute, and desecrate relationships and organizations at every level. A prostitute in the familiar sense of the word is one that sells their body for financial gain. Jezebel will prostitute herself. It is promiscuous and unrestrained when it comes to advancing her queer lust for power, control, position, wealth, influence, and prestige. Jezebel is the unfaithful Queen of Heaven.
A loyal person is truehearted and steadfast in allegiance, in other words faithful. Jezebel has no faithful qualities. She is not looking for friendship, she is looking for control. Their interest in you is limited to what you can do for them. Once something or someone better comes along they will shelf you until you become useful again, if you ever do.
The whoredom spirit is a worldly spirit. It is well versed in the things of this world like status, titles, and position. It understands what it takes to gain power within the Babylonian system, within a religious church, and, as we will explore later, a prophetic church. This is an earthly, carnal, and sensuous spirit that’s not afraid to use sex to create the most dangerous of soul ties. Soul ties are those strings that the Jezebel spirit uses to tie you to it. They can be physical, emotional, and spiritual.
And The Jezebel spirit conceives through whoredoms and bears bastard children. A bastard child is a fatherless child. Think spiritual fathering, not natural fathering. The children of Jezebel are full of rebellion. “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Samuel 15:23). Jezebel will not allow spiritual fathers to parent what she considers her children.
When Jezebel is allowed unfettered freedom her sins lead to a land full of wickedness. Scripture says, “Do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore lest the land fall to whoredom and the land become full of wickedness” (Leviticus 19:29). Spirits reproduce themselves. Whoredoms produce whoredoms.
Jezebel is a traitor. She will betray, two-time and double-cross you. She says one thing and does another. There are no loyalties with this worldly double-dealing wicked spirit that seeks to take you out of the plan of God for your life.
When is a Child of God been fathered by a True Servant of God, the Jezebel Spirit if let in these children of God, causes the individual to become so much rebellious to the Spiritual Father, and this outward nature of rebellion is a note that the Jezebel spirit is working in the individual.
The Jezebel spirit uses these three keys to ensnare mankind: SEDUCE, CAPTURE AND CONTROL;
Many understand the Jezebel spirit will use sex and sensuality to seduce, capture, and control. Jezebel cannot control you without first seducing you. Seduction is a “spiritual force” released by the whoredom spirit. The sensual enticements come in many ways especially through flattery. She may say things like, “Nobody understands you like I do.” Or she may flirt and get all touchy-feely. This spirit knows how to “pull on your soul.” If need be she will swap sex for favors. Sex is a strong weapon used to capture the unsuspecting, the sinner, and even the mighty. To the Jezebel spirit sex is a tool and another weapon in her arsenal. Sex is only the means to an end. Jezebel is the strange woman that uses flattery to entice her victims. Scripture gives ample warning.
“To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids. For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.” (Proverbs 6:24-26).
The Jezebel spirit being is also a Hunting Spirit: Remember the spirit of whoredom is a hunting spirit and always on the prowl. Sometimes those with a Jezebel spirit are spotted in the prayer line. The good news is the anointing breaks the yoke and removes the burden. During prayer and the ministry of the laying on of hands under the anointing of the Holy Ghost these evil spirits have to leave. Some spirits leave for good and others come back. It depends on the individual. Some people need deliverance from the things Jezebel spirits cling like hurts and wounds, rejection, abuse, abandonment, and rebellion. At other times the demon spirits leave and the people go with them.
Whoredom spirits can even make the homely look sexually attractive. I remember a particular man that left a beautiful wife of many years for a totally unattractive and homely woman that carried a Jezebel spirit. “Spiritual seduction” from a whoredom spirit has nothing to do with natural beauty. Jezebel is the seducing goddess of war. When the Jezebel spirit releases her network of seducing spirits they look for something in you to latch onto. Jesus said the prince of this world could find nothing in him (John 14:30). This is why you have to live the Christian life. Some may play games with God for a season but wicked spirits don’t play games, they come only to steal, kill and destroy. Close all doors to Jezebel’s weapons and beware of the spirit of whoredoms.

Corruption of Marine Creature associated with Spiritual forces of darkness.

Leviathan: is a Principality associated with the Waters and Rivers. Its not just a demonic spirit but a water serpent ruler of darkness. In celestial worship of false religions and beliefs its represented as the Constellation of the Dragon. Leviathan slithers through a series of star powers of darkness, Job 41:33-34 "Nothing on the earth is his equal - a creature without fear. He looks down on all that are haughty. He is king over all that are proud (children of pride).
The Leviathan has seven heads as the monster of seas as depicted in scriptures like Psalms 74:13-14, Ezekiel 29:3-5 and In proverns 6-16-19 shows the powers of its seven heads.
The following is the appearance of the Leviathan spirit.

1. Visible or Invisible
2. Deceptive
3. Both male and female forms
4. Commonly associated to the Water serpent or dragon usually the Crocodile.
5. It crawls and has feet like in Revelation 13:1
6. Divides affluence or wealth from poverty.
7. Originally made by God as in Psalms 104:26 and by this it very distorting to the Orginal word and plan of God as in Genesis 3.
8. Uses charms and witchcraft
9. Can withstand fire.
10. Has the fully character or likeness to satan himself - Revelation 12:9.
11. Powerful a spirit that instills great fear when confronted.
12. Uses fear, bondage and pride as its main spirits in its legion.

The following are its effect on people:
1. Insanity, paralysis, schizoprenia and other neurotic related illnesses.
2. Transformation of the body into different a human to a bird and the likes of shape shifters.
3. Causes discord, strife and false accusations taken as true.
4. Chaos and long sufferings are all his workings.
5. Excessive pride, haughtiness, condescending conversations and arrogance that's unmatched.
6. Makes men become stubborn and cold hearted to verified facts or truth.
7. Makes most people lack permanent concentration and therefore gives men difficulty in learning.
8. This spirit is identified as the bench of gloominess and severe depression.
9. Leads most people to become Unteachable, Judgmental to truth, possessive and legalistic.
10. Its always after control. Its such a controlling spirit due to its main character of pride.
11. Excessive self-confidence which is a vice to whoever that seeks to be reliant upon God.
12. Deafness and blindness to the Holy Spirit, giving mankind false or counterfeit ministries and worship.
13. Miscommunication and deception are its work. Twisting the truth, lies, gossip and slander.
14. Lastly it quite dishonoring to Authority.
In brief: the Leviathan principality main purpose is to make war against the rest of her offspring - those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus Christ. This is written in Revelation 12:7. In the book of Isaiah 27:1 God shows the final destruction of this Principality. The only power to End the power of the leviathan is the Sword of God.


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