Delight in The Lord

_*“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart”*_ Psalms 37:4, NKJV.

At the beginning of this year the Lord promised us many blessings individually and even as a nation. We are almost at the mid-point of this year and God has already blessed many of us in many ways! Well, He has spoken and said that He’s not done! There are more divine surprises He has waiting for us to receive. It will be like a package that just shows up at our door. We will simply step into God’s blessing and there will be no work involved in receiving it.

There are so many blessings ahead of you. So much abundance ahead. God is getting ready to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think, and it will all come without struggle or strain. You will effortlessly receive it and you will know that it’s from the Lord. You will see favor on every way. Desires coming to pass. Grace to do what you never thought you could do. Doors the size of a garage are opening for you. Multiple streams of blessings all pointing to you.

“So don’t worry, says the Lord. Don’t worry at all. I’ve got in all under control. I’ve got it all in My hands. You just continue to seek Me. Continue to hunger and thirst after My righteousness and you will surely be filled. Filled to the overflow. Yes, for there is an outpouring. You’ll know it’s yours when it shows up. You will say, this is my reward from the Lord.”

*Prayer:* _Hallelujah, Lord! Thank You for speaking directly to me. I worship You and I praise You for Your rewards. Help me Lord not to worry at how You will do it. Be glorified in my life. My trust is in You. In Jesus’ Mighty name, Amen._

(Read Matthew 5:6; Hebrews 11:6)

_*Good morning,the  Lord will fulfil His promises in your life as you keep seeking Him.*_


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